Whenever you would like to reset your password, you can follow this guide to ensure a smooth process.
If you are able to log-in before changing your password, please log into your account and hover your mouse over the "Profile" tab located in the upper right corner. Click on the "Account Safety" option in the dropdown panel that appears.
When hovered over the Profile tab, click on the "Account Security" button.
From there, you will be able to see the Advanced Security settings and Password management.
After pressing "Change", depending on your acccount security settings you will be asked your old password, new password and confirmation along with a security password to proceed further.
After confirming the changes, you will be able to log-in with your password.
If you are not able to log-in, you can reset your password before logging in.
On the log-in page, you will see a "Forgot Password?" button.
Upon pressing this button, you will have 2 options to choose from.
You can reset your password with the e-mail address that you have binded previously or you can use your phone number that is binded on your account.